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Shandong Hongrui first staff basketball match

Column:Corporate news Time:2019-08-15 Browsing volume: 1827
The company holds staff basketball match
The company holds staff basketball match
    In order to further activate the amateur cultural life of the employees, enhance the team cohesion, show the corporate style, enrich the amateur life of the employees, improve the overall quality of the employees, and promote the team cooperation spirit among all departments, in line with the principle of "friendship first, competition second", the company organized all employees to hold the spring basketball match on April 13, 2019. All the staff of this competition enthusiastically applied, carefully prepared, and actively participated in the competition. The level and style of the competition came out. Through this competition, the spirit of unity and cooperation that the staff dare to fight for the first place and fight for the best has been improved.

                                                  The opening ceremony

                                                   Team formation

                                Precise shooting action personality display

                                                    Accurate lay up

                                                           Fight fiercely

                                                  First prize Team Award

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